

Boules de dattes à l'espresso

Espresso Date Balls SERVES: Makes 40 Balls DIFFICULTY: Easy PREP TIME: 20 Minutes INGREDIENTS 400 g pitted dates 1,25 ml (¼ t) bicarbonate of soda 125 ml (½ c) boiling water 375 ml (1½ c) oats or 1 packet (200 g) sugar-free bran biscuits 125 ml (½ c) cacao 250 ml (1 c) desiccated coconut […]

Potjie de cerf aux fruits secs

Dried Fruit Venison Potjie Dried fruit and venison is an all time classic potjie that can be served with rice, pap or samp. PREP TIME: 30 mins COOKING TIME: 2 hrs INGREDIENTS 1 kg venison, cubed 25 ml sunflower oil 1 large onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, crushed 5 ml whole cloves 5 ml mustard […]

Pains chauds traditionnels faits maison

Traditional homemade hot cross buns SERVES: Makes 12 DIFFICULTY: Easy PREP TIME: 2 1/2 hours COOKING TIME: 15 minutes INGREDIENTS 480 g flour 2 x 10 g instant yeast sachets 100 g brown sugar 1/2 t cinnamon 1/2 t nutmeg Salt, a pinch 1/2 t baking powder 1/2 t bicarbonate of soda 1 lemon, zested […]

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