
cape dry fruit

ABOUT cape dry

Producer of superior dried fruits and nuts

With their vast experience in management of stock preservation and storage, there is no question why Cape Dry exports a third of the country’s production to the international market. Their excellence extends to the quality of their products, which is why they are a perfect fit for us at Kapvie. Not only are they a producer of superior dried fruits, but Cape Dried Fruit prioritize their implementation processes to be state of the art. The health and safety regulations that they adhere to ensure that they maintain the high standard of products that they cultivate and prioritize their staff accordingly. Kapvie are proudly affiliated with companies such as Cape Dried Fruit as they relate to the ethos of using reliable resources such as the farmers who follow Good Agricultural Practices (A.G.P. as standardized by Global G.A.P.). Their products are not only Kosher and Halaal, but they are routinely audited to guarantee their quality through excellent management systems.

Kapvie have invested in Cape Dried Fruit through the inspiration of their fruitful legacy. It is their fundamentals of giving back to the community in which they are based that drew our attention to Cape Dried Fruit Packers. As the prominent employer throughout the town of Montagu, within the Little Karoo region, Cape Dried Fruit Packers are thriving by empowering their employees with development training and training processes. The manufacturing practices that make Cape Dried Fruit an essential puzzle piece that fits right into Kapvie’s overall picture

the goodness of the goods

The Cape Dried Fruit’s vast range of products are jam-packed with authentic health benefits such as high fiber content, natural immune boosters, and heart disease preventatives. Their overwhelming nutritional contents are what give these products a driving force behind Kapvie showcasing just what South Africa has to offer. As popular local ‘superfood’ producers, Cape Dried Fruit Packers south Africa is taking the world by storm as the second biggest export of South African dried Cape tree fruit.

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