


Your gateway to Africa

Kapvie, our brand-new endeavor, set out to invigorate the European market.

With our origins strongly rooted in South Africa, and sharing heritage from Switzerland and France, Kapvie is based around our combined legacy and family lineage.  Kapvie has been the vision we have had for years, manifesting sharing our heritage with the rest of the world. The essence of Africa has always been the spirit of adventure – whether it be a coming-of-age tale, or the unity of our community, or the lessons we learn through hardships, everything about our continent has and forever will be a journey. Kapvie is no different. From farm to palette, Kapvie is the portal to the finest and most authentic African products.

Being proudly South African takes us as a family on an all-encompassing journey. Two of our founding product ranges being Carmien Rooibos tea, and Cape Dry dried fruit. Specifically selected to align with our ethos of accredited production, fair trade, and being leaders in their specific sectors. These two brands are founded on the connection they have to the community in which they originate.

the family behind kapvie



Kapvie is the creation of Philip and Priscille Stegen, a manifestation of their ancestral roots as a legacy and their excitement to share their heritage with Europe.

Philip, is a fifth-generation German descendant whose forefathers immigrated to South Africa as farmers, and has a Swiss mother. Priscille has European parentage and is of French origin. With the Stegen family having an extensive lineage to Europe and their grassroots based in South African soil, they are wholeheartedly linked to both continents with patriotic bonds. As Benjamin Williamson says, “Families are like branches on a tree. We grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.”.

The Stegen family has moved to Europe under the inspiration of a journey, to share what we as South Africans love about our rich and intertwined cultures with the world. From their roots to their extended branches, they live through the mantra of “You leave home to seek your fortune, and when you get it, you go home and share it with your family.” – Anita Baker.

To embark on this adventure, it is an understatement to say that for the Stegen’s, leaving behind all their most loved familiarities was hard – though this is where their family has learned to stand tall in their roots. Kapvie is about doing what they love and creating a brand that is passed down to future generations. Kapvie is the epitome of ensuring that brands are always seen as the best South Africa has to offer.

With some of the best produce and authentic products in our inventory, Kapvie is a business that is seen as an extension and investment of the Stegen family tree. The fundamentals of the Kapvie business plan is to maintain the longevity of sustainability within South African markets. Because of the hard truths faced by the majority of South Africans, the most direct opportunity to combat impoverished communities throughout the country has been to distribute products globally. Kapvie is passionate to help make South African lives better.

Optimism is a part of our job description; this is why Kapvie have been thorough in sourcing high-end products from local companies. All of these companies are also vetted to ensure the sustainability of their workers and the communities that they tie into. Kapvie goods are of peak calibre and come from high-end industry leaders in their fields. Not only do Kapvie value their impact on local sustainability, but they take pride in their relationships made with resident producers who maintain the same values. Kapvie partners have given their full and consistent support in offering qualitative and quantitative supply, to ensure that the Kapvie business model is forever fruitful overseas. These industry partners have been selected due to their flexibility in service offerings being able to meet European market demand. Bringing the excellence of local suppliers abroad not only showcases our South African brilliance but gives the Stegen family a great motivational drive to visit their family and friends constantly.

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