


Espresso Date Balls SERVES: Makes 40 Balls DIFFICULTY: Easy PREP TIME: 20 Minutes INGREDIENTS 400 g pitted dates 1,25 ml (¼ t) bicarbonate of soda 125 ml (½ c) boiling water 375 ml (1½ c) oats or 1 packet (200 g) sugar-free bran biscuits 125 ml (½ c) cacao 250 ml (1 c) desiccated coconut […]

Stress und Ängste: Rooibos und Kamille als Retter in der Not

Stress and anxiety rate amongst the top issues of our day, leading to sleeplessness and various other chronic illnesses if experienced over a prolonged period of time. Many are familiar with intermittent disturbed sleep, body aches, anxiety and irritability, but these lead to increased stress when they become chronic. Common stress symptoms: Irritability and difficulty in […]

Rooibos Gesundheitliche Vorteile

Rooibos not only tastes great, it has many health benefits such as: Natural Rooibos Naturally completely caffeine free (unlike black & green teas) Contains natural anti-oxidants including aspalathin which combats several diseases Has proven cancer-fighting properties in animal research studies Preservative free Alleviates allergies – asthma, hay fever, eczema Replace essential minerals, iron, potassium, zinc […]

Carmien - Vom Bauernhof

Carmien – From the farm As Carmien’s harvesting season is drawing to a close, older tea fields are in the process of being cleared so that oats can be planted to restore the soil biome. Their estimated rooibos yield per ton will be in the region of 2,5 ton per hectare. The good rains and […]

Rooibos von der Ernte bis zur Tasse

Rooibos Crop to Cup DIE ROOIBOS-PFLANZE Der botanische (wissenschaftliche) Name für die Rooibos-Pflanze ist Aspalathus linearis. Die Pflanze (und die aus ihr hergestellten Produkte) ist weithin als Rooibos (sprich: ROI-BOSS) bekannt. In einigen Ländern wird sie auch als "Rotbusch" oder "Afrikanischer Roter Tee" bezeichnet. Rooibos gehört zu den Fynbos-Arten des Cape Floral Kingdom, [...]

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